Site Selection and Feasibility

In the world of uncertainty and dynamic market, without studying and researching a concept one cannot ensure the future prospects. Our Robust Research Methodology ensures every detail is looked into resulting in a study which becomes the guiding principle in utilisation of all the resources such as land, machinery etc.

Site Identification, Selection & Feasibility

For NEW DEVELOPMENT, we recommend and offer comprehensive FEASIBILITY STUDY for GOLF COURSES in relation to Competitive Market, Design, Development & Maintenance, Operations, Financials, supported by a detailed report. Mentioned below are the aspects we cover in the study :

OF SITE AND SITE DESIGNATIONS (Geological History of Site and it's Original Settings, Site Delineations, Acquisition Possibilities, Zoning For Golf, etc)

GOLF COURSE NEEDS ASSESSMENT(Demographics, Golf Demand & Supply Analysis, Recreational Needs, Open Space Preservation, etc)

Environmental Assessment & Site Analysis

Golf Course Design: "The Links or Parkland Course", Climatological History, Topography, Soils & Geology, Plant & Wildlife Habitat, Vegetation, Ground and Surface Water Availability & Quality, Water Requirements, Wetlands & Streams, Possible Impacts to Surface and Groundwater, Fertilizer Requirements for the Golf Course, Sources of Energy, Surface Drainage, Environmental Issues, Forest Land, Historic and archaeological areas, Natural Features, etc.

Financial Assessment

Financing Options,"Links/Parkland" Golf Course, Golf Course Cost Estimates, Revenues and Expenditures, Financial Conclusions, Other Economic Issues, Attracting Golf Tourism, Employment Possibilities, etc

Preliminary Design

Concept Routing Drawings, Preliminary Master Plan, Construction Schedule, etc.

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